I want to make beautiful things, even if nobody cares.
— Saul Bass

My journey back to the world of Paint.

Dark San Francisco

I am a teacher and work at an Art College in San Francisco. San Francisco is a lovely city, an emerald jewel by the sea. However, it has a dark side. A side of homeless, filth, crime and the entire darkness one sees in the inner urban disaster area. It saddens me at times.

“In the Machinery of night“ is a quote from Allen Ginsberg’s poem: HOWL. It’s poetic in nature and strikes the perfect chord to this painting.

“Angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night”
— Allen Ginsberg
  • Medium: Acrylic and Mixed-Media
  • Size: 4'x4'
  • Year: 2018

>Dark San Francisco
Dark San Francisco